In a previous post we flashed a W32-WROOM-32 with MicroPython and successfully got to an interactive python prompt via serial. Now we will create a simple python script and upload it to the ESP32 and have it run on boot.
First, lets create a really simple python script -:
import time print('Hello world! I can count:') i = 1 while True: print(i) i += 1 time.sleep(1.0) # Delay for 1 second.
This script prints a message and initialises a variable to 1, then goes into a while loop printing the variable, incrementing the variable by 1, and waiting 1 second.
To upload this python file to the ESP32 use the ampy tool, again install using pip -:
pip install adafruit-ampy
I have saved my python file as, we will use ampy to upload to the ESP32 via serial. To make the script run on boot it must be uploaded as -:
ampy --delay 1 --port /dev/cu.usbserial-0001 put /
Note the delay is important, it will error out without it. Now if we reboot the ESP32 and connect to serial we should see the following output -:

In the next post we will look at connecting the ESP32 to our wireless network.