Now that we have an ESP32 connected to our network and running python, the next task is to connect a two switch relay and be able to control it. Eventually we will do this via MQTT, but for now a web server will be enabled on the board to allow manual control of the relay […]
Category: ESP32
In our previous post we uploaded a python script to the ESP32 to run on boot. This time we will connect the ESP32 to our wireless network. Firstly I am going to create a file to store any configuration parameters we are going to use. In this case we simply have the SSID and […]
In a previous post we flashed a W32-WROOM-32 with MicroPython and successfully got to an interactive python prompt via serial. Now we will create a simple python script and upload it to the ESP32 and have it run on boot. First, lets create a really simple python script -: import time print(‘Hello world! I can […]
I have some ESP32 based boards lying around and stumbled across MicroPython, which appealed to me as I have some Python code I wanted to try and port to an ESP32 board. MicroPython supports ESP32 and any board should work, I am using an ESP32-WROOM-32. Download the firmware Download the latest version of the firmware […]